Monday, August 10, 2009

bE GRAtEfUl, dON't bE ONE tO blOCk YOUR blESSiNGS.

So many people go through life with several regrets. "I should have done this" or "If i could go back I would change this." But what many fail to realize is that GOD never places more on our shoulders than we can bare. You're suppose to live life with no regrets; although every trial and tribulation we face are meant to make us stronger. Life will either make or to break you, you determine your future. Mistakes are meant to be made and no one can fault you for those that you make because in the end only you have to live with the choices that you have chosen to make. When we learn to live life making the best out of our situations and thanking GOD for what we actually think are just "the little things" then we all will advance so much farther in life. We all have to learn to stop looking so much at the bad and accept and be grateful for the blessings that have been placed upon us, there are so many everyday blessings that we receive but don't understand that they are blessings to be thankful for. Material and physical things aren't the only blessings that we receive; they do not have to be tangible to be considered a blessing. We all take things for granted, if we don't appreciate what we've been blessed with what makes you think we deserve to continue to be blessed with that capability. Being able to see another day, being able to walk and talk, being able to eat a meal with no difficulties chewing or digesting, being able to get up and go to the bathroom by ourselves; are all blessing of which many of us take for granted. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning not being able to get up out the bed, only able to move your eyes and you've just realized that for some reason you can't speak but you've found yourself lying in your own waste not being able to clean yourself up; how do you call on someone to assist you? You're stuck there waiting for someone to realize that you haven't left your room or didn't come to work or didn't answer your phone. What happens if you lived by yourself? Then what? Majority of us focus on the things we want and don't have and we end up losing or missing out on the things that we've constantly been blessed with. Don't block your blessings by being ungrateful, have faith in your GOD and thank him for what he has already given you. When you pray for once try not to ask for anything, just thank him for what you have received. Try praying for someone else to better their lives and stop being so selfish only worrying about your own needs and desires. Life itself is enough of a challenge, don't make your life anyone complicated than it has to be. YOU determined YOUR PAST and YOU will be the one to determine YOUR FUTURE. Success is ahead of you, only if you head in it's direction.
signed- chelby t. handy.<3

Monday, July 20, 2009


Chris Brown makes a public apology for his mistakes. Honestly let me know what you think. Is Chris' apology Sincere?

My Views:

Personally, I believe he is deeply sorry for what he has done. His words were, "I have let a lot of people down and I realize that and no one is more disappointed in me than I am." I took his words to heart and as far as I am concerned, it took a lot just for him to build up the courage to be able to publicly apologize for his actions. I think the world should just move on and leave this situation behind them. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that we should FORGET, but we definitely should FORGIVE. If you still have no compassion for him, may this change your mindset. He said, "As many of you know I grew up in a home where there was domestic violence, and i saw first hand what uncontrolled derange could do." If you didn't already know, his stepfather did indeed beat his mother; Not just once but on countless occassions. Chris was left to watch because he was too little to defend her. In a 2007 interview, Chris stated that "He used to hit my mom… He made me terrified all the time, terrified like I had to pee on myself," Chris revealed. "I remember one night he made her nose bleed. I was crying and thinking, ‘I’m just gonna go crazy on him one day…’ I hate him to this day." Still not convinced? "Donnelle (stepfather), who is blind after accidentally shooting himself in the eye during an argument with Joyce Brown Hawkins..." If he wasn't a violent person, then why would he have a gun out while just having a disagreement with his wife? After all of this, Donnelle says "I never once raised my hand to his mother, it just never happened." If you put the pieces together trust me, you'll find the truth. Again, I feel as though WE (the people) will never know the true story of what actually went on with Chris and Rihanna that night; I say this because we were not there at the time of the incident. Think about it, there are ALWAYS two sides to a story but somewhere in the middle lies the truth.


(link for public apology below)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

WhY liE?

Readers, help me out. Answer me this: why lie? OK, there are little white lies and there unnecessary lies. examples: a little white lie would be calling into work sick when clearly you are not. An unnecessary lie would be denying an accusation that you know you are guilty of. I'm not sure if it's just me or what the case may be, but I feel as though lying will get you no where but into a hole. Or possibly somewhere with your back up against the wall. Sure, lying may get you out of a situation for the time being; but believe me when I say, "your lies will eventually unfold." LIES are honestly only TEMPORARY. It amazes me how some people can lie so much to the point where they begin to believe themselves. Crazy, right? I came across someone who lied so much it became an instinct for that individual to lie instantly in place of telling the truth, without even thinking about it. I don't mean like a big lie, say for instance someone asks them a question, like WHERE ARE YOU? If they were at McDonald's, instead of saying just that they would reply with; I'm at Jack in the Box. WOW! Really, now? Like there really is a difference. But seriously, it wasn't like they intentionally meant to tell a lie at that time it's just that they got into the habit of lying so much that it became a daily routine. I don't know about you, but that is not a habit that i would want to obtain. Why lie? If I don't know anything else, I'm sure you would be better off telling the truth than lying. So next time you think about telling a lie, please do think again. -chelby t. handy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


As I'm sure many others would like to believe, the struggles that you go through in life will only make you stronger. But Is it just me, or does everyone seem to come to the conclusion that most bad things happen to good people? So many beautiful hearted individuals that i know have faced so many over whelming obstacles within their lifetime that it's seemingly hard to wake up and face another day. From an absent parent to a deceased relative, life has it's unbearable times. Crying helps, indeed it does but in the end crying solves nothing. I'm not saying that it doesn't make you feel better but face it.. What happens when all the tears have dried up and they can no longer run? What's next? Many people keep their emotions balled up inside because they feel as though no one can help their situation. "If i open up and let someone know what's going on in my life, all the struggles that i have to deal with on a day to day basis and what runs through my mind 50% of the time; how could they help me?" It seems as though, no one can make your situation better no matter what they say because there is nothing they can do. Yet, they ask the questions along the lines of, "What's wrong? and Is there something I can do to help?" This only leads to one feeling as if they are obligated to say, "No, honestly it's nothing." When in all actuality all along they wish they could have told you but they felt as though you wouldn't understand. The answers seem so close, but yet they are so far away. Majority of our questions will remain unanswered; And I suppose that this will just be one of them. Still asking yourself "What can you do?" The answer to this is, get on your knees and pray because at the end of the day all you really have is GOD and your BIBLE.
-chelby t. handy